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Scimon.yml file

This configuration file is utilized to set up the tool. Please utilize this default version if any alterations you make result in issues.

  default_text_editor: 'notepad' # String (default: 'notepad')
  urlfilter_open: false # Boolean (valid values: 'true' or 'false'; default: 'false')

  show_header: true # Boolean (valid values: 'true' or 'false'; default: 'true')

  output_path: '{app_path}' # String (default: '{app_path}')
  overwrite: true # Boolean (valid values: 'true' or 'false'; default: 'true')
  minify_html: true # Boolean (valid values: 'true' or 'false'; default: 'true')

Open scimon.yml file

To open the scimon.yml file, run the following command:

scimon options open-settings

Download scimon.yml file

To download the scimon.yml file, run the following command:

scimon options download-settings

scimon.yml file locations in Operations Systems:

Save this file at the following location:

System Location
Linux home/<YOUR_USERNAME>/.config/scimon/scimon.yml
MacOS /Users/<YOUR_USERNAME>/Library/Application Support/scimon/scimon.yml
Windows C:\Users\<YOUR_USERNAME>\AppData\Roaming\scimon\scimon.yml